FBC Students


We want church to be fun and welcoming!


Mission: to help students follow God and find their joy in Him while they live their lives for His glory and the good of those made in His image

Vision: to see students desire God, become more like Him, and stand firm in the faith as they become adults

Values: to be God glorifying, Scripture-saturated, gospel focused, accessible, and life-giving


We are grateful for this opportunity to provide a safe and engaging environment in which students can grow toward spiritual maturity.


We want to partner with parents as they are the primary disciple makers of their teens.

We want students to understand the good news of what God has done to reconcile us to Himself.

We want students to be impassioned and equipped to help meet the spiritual and physical needs of others.


When do we meet?


Bible Study // 9:30am


JH Midweek 6:00-7:30pm

HS Midweek 7:00-8:30pm

Follow us to stay up to date with the student ministry!